Meeting Time: Every Friday, 12:00-1:00 pm

Meeting Location: Beckman 302, Developmental Biology Library

Winter 2025

Jan 10thNo Seminar
Jan 17thYi-Chun Chen, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
"Pam is critical for cilia formation and insulin secretion but promotes diabetes risk through beta-cell independent mechanisms"
Jan 24thJan Spaas, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar, Long Lab, Department of Pathology, Stanford University
"Vitamin B5 transport by diabetes-associated monocarboxylate transporter SLC16A13"
Jan 31stHelge Raeder, MD, PhD
Full Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen; Visiting Professor, Department of Genetics, Stanford University
"Decoding Diabetes: Insights from Genetic Research to iPSC Models and the Digital Future of Endocrinology"
Feb 7thYaohuan Zhang
Graduate Student, Department of Nutritional Science and Toxicology, University of California, Berkeley; Gregory Ku Lab, University of California, San Francisco
"The Role of CLIC-like Chloride Channel 1 in the Pancreatic beta-Cell"
Feb 14thPhillip Dumesic, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Diabetes Center, University of California, San Francisco
"Regulation of energy metabolism through privileged mRNA translation"
Feb 28thJuan Alvarez- Dominguez, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania
"Chrono-energetics and Islet Maturation"
Mar 14thMayaan Levy, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Stanford University
"Optimizing treatment responses using metabolic engineering"
Mar 21stIshan Goswami, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar, Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley
"Micophysiological systems for modelling diabetes"
Apr 11thKeren Hilgendorf, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Utah
"Lean adipocytes secrete the oxylipin 9S-HODE to suppress breast cancer"
Apr 25thMolly Tanenbaum, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Stanford University
"MindfulT1D: A pilot and feasibility study of a compassion-based virtual group program for adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D)"
May 23rdHolger Russ, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Univeristy of Florida
"Transforming Type 1 Diabetes Research: Unlocking the Human Beta and Immune Cell Context Through Stem Cell Technology"