Michael Z. Lin
Michael Z. Lin, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Bioengineering, Stanford University
Research Description: The goal of Dr. Lin’s research has been to develop widely applicable methods for imaging and controlling physiological processes in vivo. His lab has used use chemistry-guided molecular engineering to improve fluorescent proteins for deep-tissue imaging and as biosensor components. Current work includes adapting and expanding the applications of NanoLuc luciferase for noninvasive in vivo study of metabolic processes. This includes improvement of enzyme function, identification of optimal substrates for brain and body imaging, and the design of new reporters of transmitters and hormones based on NanoLuc. Other projects include the engineering of the ASAP family of genetically encoded fluorescent voltage indicators for real-time imaging of bioelectricity in excitable cells, and the development of generalizable methods for optical and chemical control of protein activity in vivo. The Lin lab is currently applying these technologies toward real-time imaging of signaling events along the brain-body axis.