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Diabetic-level glucose spikes seen in healthy people
A study out of Stanford in which blood sugar levels were continuously monitored reveals that even people who think they’re “healthy” should pay attention to what they eat.
5 Questions: John Ioannidis calls for more rigorous nutrition research
Stanford's John Ioannidis recently discussed why the design of most nutrition studies impedes progress in the field and suggested a new kind of approach.
Successful diabetes management program brings down cost of care
A diabetes program that aims to help patients manage the disease through peer support has also shown the potential to save a few pretty pennies — actually, quite a bit more than a few.
Dr. Xiaolin Zheng’s solar purifier creates its own disinfectant from water and sunlight
The system could one day be adapted into solar-powered water purification stations for use in developing regions where fresh water is a precious commodity.
Email Study solves mystery of genetic-test results for patient with suspected heart condition
Stanford researchers used genetic-editing tools and stem cell technology to uncover whether a genetic mutation linked to a heart rhythm disorder was benign or pathogenic.
New AI-powered algorithm offers a more accurate, accessible method for diagnosing diabetes subtypes and tailoring treatments, with potential for widespread impact.